» Peformance Art

Peformance Art

Peformance Art

I grew up dancing ballet in a small local production of the Nutcracker. Now, in my adult life, I put that love of costumes and dance into fire dancing and circus art. This is a small collection of photographs that highlight some of these experiences. I perform with a group of Alaskans sometimes called the Hungry Hat Circus and other times called The Church of Flaming Funk.  These pictures are taken either by audience members or by my fabulously talented photographer friends. These images come from  Alaska, Austin Texas, Black Rock City Nevada, and Ashland Oregon.  Below is a link to the photographers who have famously caught some of the fire.   Aaron Pollinard (APoli) of One Perspective Photography,  Megan Goldstein of Mezmin Visual Arts, and Leighann H Seaman of HunterCreative Productions.



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